Do you think the Allies would have still won WW2 if the u.s. had not entered the

Poll of the Day

Unquestionably yes. The War was effectively over as soon as Hitler decided to double-cross Stalin.

The US likes to paper over this fact, but the Eastern front - where the USSR fought the Axis almost unsupported - was larger than all other fronts of the war combined and the Axis got their ass kicked there. The Soviets had more casualties than the US had soldiers and still became a global superpower in the war's aftermath.

In contrast, the US only joined after the war had already started to turn against Germany and the other Axis powers. Their involvement hastened the war's end, to be sure, and probably prevented a large chunk of East Asia and Western Europe from becoming communist vassal states, but the war's outcome did not hinge on America's involvement, much as some Americans like to think otherwise.
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Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!