My parents got me an aquarium for Xmas, what should I put in it?

Poll of the Day

Acquire a supply of limestone pebbles - you need a fair base, one that can drain but also is inherently nutritious (not that you're feeding pebbles to your fish, duh).
Don't lay it down without first rinsing it though.
After that, and stay with me here, make sure your firearms are stored securely. This really has nothing to do with the job at hand, but people are idiots, so I hafta mention it.
Move everything from your bedroom floor into the garage at this point.

Liqoured up people know where this is going, but for everybody else, you should have, by now, obtained, installed and powered up your air filter
And brushed your teeth
Adz! Take an adz and hollow that B***h out

Bon voyage!
This too shall pass.