14 y/o Ohio Girl tried to RUN with her 33 y/o FIRST COUSIN who got her PREGNANT

Poll of the Day

Would you blow the whistle on a couple if you found out they were related??

14 y/o Annalys Clay from Ohio was found by US Marshals after she ran away with her 33 y/o bald headed mannequin AND fugitive COUSIN, Louis Jakab who apparently IMPREGNATED her as the related couple tried to run away and live a new life on the run!!

Annalys was reported missing for 2 weeks and was last seen on December 4th who was discovered at a scene of a 2 car collision.

The teen mom and her cousin tried to run on foot in the nearby woods but police caught them

US Marshall, Pete Elliott said Louis was in possession of a TOY GUN while Annalys went into evaluation.

He is wanted on charges of parole violation, interference with custody, robbery, theft, fraud, passing bad cheques and receiving stolen property as his criminal record dates back since 2003 where hew as convicted of MANSLAUGHTER involving a shooting and sent him to the slammer for a decade!!

The 2 had a sexual relationship in October and Annalys got pregnant on their FIRST sexual encounter. She is the daughter of Jakob's FIRST COUSIN

They ran away in a 2017 black Audi A3 in Virginia and were spotted on Monday before getting away to Pennsylvania and then returning to Northeast Ohio for the Holidays.

Her mother, 36 y/o Helenea Clay wass arrested earlier this month for filing a FALSE report and said her daughter assaulted her while she was driving a car and then jumped out and was whisked away by her cousin.

Would you blow the whistle on a couple if you out they were related??.

Annalys/Louis/Helenea (blonde) - Jacked Up Family









Crash Scene -

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