16 y/o Girl who tried to MURDER for SLENDER MAN gets 25 Years in a LOONY BIN!!!

Poll of the Day

Do you think 25 years is too long for her to be in a mental hospital?

16 y/o Sausage Girl, Anissa Weier, the Wisconsin girl who tried to kill a classmate to win favour with fictional horror character Slender Man has been sentenced to 25 years in the MENTAL HOSPITAL!!

She received the maximum punishment possible for attempted second degree intentional homicide but pleaded insanity for her actions because she was deranged.

She could have gotten 3 years in jail but that was put off the table after she plead insanity..she will be placed there until she's 37 years old

Her and Morgan Geyers, who has yet to be sentenced, led a then 12 y/o Payton Leutner into a wooded area in 2014 and Morgan stabbed her 19 times with Anissa cheering her on...

Payton survived after crawling out of the woods to a pathway where a bicyclist found her.

The teens said they led her out there to become Slender Man's "proxies" or "servants" and to protect their families from him

Anissa apologized and said "I do hold myself accountable for this and that i will do whatever i have to do to make sure i don't get any sort of delusion or whatever again. I want everyone to know i deeply regret everything that happened that day. I know that nothing i say is going to make this right and nothing i say is going to fix what i broke"

Payton's mother, Stacie says that her daughter still fears for her life as she sleeps with SCISSORS under her pillow

Anissa's family hoped the judge would not sentence Anissa beyond her 25th birthday as they argued her mental stability and stating she has grown since then and asked for mercy..

Morgan plead guilty to attempted murder in exchange for no prison and prosecutors are arguing for 40 years in a mental hospital

Next Summer, Sony plans to release a horror movie based on the Slender Man mythology...

Do you think 25 years is too long to be a mental hospital?.

Anissa - Loony Bin




Morgan - Loony Bin



Payton - Victim



Slender Man -

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