This is the FIRST White NAZI COP in VIRGINIA charged with supporting ISIS!!!

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Nightengale posted...
*a dude wearing an SS uniform and sieg-heiling*

Zeus: He sounds like he's serious about his beliefs

Where exactly is he saluting? And how serious can he be about anything if he's applying to random regimes and terrorist groups? Feel free to explain that logic.

TheCyborgNinja posted...
SMH... its not surprising at all. History lesson time:

Otto Skorzeny, the commando who led the operation to free Mussolini from prison for Hitler, fled with many other prominent Nazis into Egypt and Palestine at the end of the war and trained Islamic radicals. Modern terrorist doctrine is actually the werwolf partisan concept invented by Skorzeny towards the end of WWII. Many SS members adopted Muslim names and blended in. This was aided by powerful friends in the region, including Egypts ruler(s). The remnants of the Third Reich are actually Islamic terrorists and not neo-Nazis.

Its ironic that the neo lot hate a group their idols revered.

Not sure that there's a real continuity between the groups then and today, though. And the remnants of the actual Third Reich are mostly still in Germany afaik since the bulk of the soldiers who weren't tried for war crimes just went back to living their lives.
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