What percentage of gamers didn't like Red Dead Redemption

Poll of the Day

What percentage of gamers didn't like Red Dead Redemption?

I will be honest, I know I am in the extreme minority with this one, but I really didn't care for Red Dead Redemption. I suspect I am in the 7-10 percent minority on this one.

I am doing this primarily because of all of the hype around the coming release of Red Dead Redemption 2. I anticipate this game to be, given the wild popularity of Red Dead Redemption, a huge seller next year and a likely goty nominee.

With that being said, I have to say I didn't care for Red Dead Redemption. I thought the story was decent, but I really felt no affinity for John Marsden. I guess my dislike of the game stems from my disinterest in the "Western" genre really. Though, I will admit that it's an era that there probably should be more games for.

All of that's really irrelevant though. I am more interested in hearing from gamefaqers about how "common" or "uncommon" it has been for them to encounter someone who didn't really like the franchise.

I personally only know two others who didn't love the game besides myself.
Currently playing Horizon Zero Dawn