Gonna say NO to the friend zone

Poll of the Day

Jen0125 posted...
OmegaTomHank posted...
Yes. I though that was obvious.

And I think someone who you have an amazing bond and chemistry with telling you randomly they dont want to be friends with you with zero explanation would probably be more harmful than me telling her the truth. Im not going to be an asshole about it, just going to tell straight up if shes happy in her relationship thats fine but we cant be any closer than we are currently.

You make little sense.

no, you make little sense.

you're going to unload on this chick for no reason. you're acting like she's wrong you somehow by not being available for you to date. you're not mature enough to be friends with someone you're attracted to because they have a boyfriend.

i'm sure you're a real "nice guy" tlc.

No Im mature enough to realize what I want.

For the record, she asked for my number twice and I told her no twice. She gave me a look that killed me inside and inventually acquiesced. This sort of thing isnt healthy or mature or positive. You cant just constantly acquiesce because you have good chemistry with someone and get along well.
So its been 4-5 days since then Im just going to tell her off the bat, Im not getting dragged along some emotional rollercoaster. I like her too much to put myself through that.