Gonna say NO to the friend zone

Poll of the Day

Nicodaemos posted...
OmegaTomHank posted...
What Im not going to do is invest time and emotion into someone who doesnt feel the same way I do.

But you are, and you have been, because you're weak.

Not really. We worked close to each other so we saw each other all the time. I literally made this decision within a week of this happening. Nice try though.

wolfy42 posted...
Wait isn't friends with benefits a thing? Isn't the friend zone just an excuse to hit it occasionally now and not have to deal with real relationship stuff?

No idea what this has to do with anything. Im not interested in being a side ***** though. Not with her.

Mead posted...
Yeah you certainly are being taken advantage of by continuing to expect a girl who doesnt find you desirable to suddenly change the way she feels and what she is attracted to simply because you are being nice

Seriously dude this is some incel logic

You obviously cant read or are too blinded by being up your own ass to do so. I have no idea yet if she finds me desirable. I havent asked her but I will talk to her about it on the weekend, thats the whole point of the topic.