Gonna say NO to the friend zone

Poll of the Day

SusanGreenEyes posted...
She already has a boyfriend.
Why would you want to lose a friend?
Don't stop talking to her just because she is dating someone else.

I dont want to be friends. I think I explained that already.

Yes we have amazing chemistry, can talk about pretty much anything including having intelligent conversations which is pretty rare where I live. We also both think each other are physically attractive.

But a friendship makes zero sense given I think shes perfect for a mate, or at least close to it.

I feel like the only reason shes pushing the friend thing so hard is so we dont lose our relationship as I get busier. Releastically if she turns me down now I always wouldve been the backup guy which Im not about

DirtBasedSoap posted...
why do so many guys ware like a year to tell a girl they like them?
its literally never going to happen if you wait that long

Its been 3-4 months and thats because shes not single so it wouldnt be appropriate to tell a woman I just met I think she should be with me when shes not single....