Roy Moore said Jewish People are going to well as ALL NON-CHRISTIANS!!!

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First of all, that's not what he said. He said that people who do not accept God's salvation will go to Hell. This is a fact in Christian theology. If you say no to God (saying no to God and saying no to His salvation are one and the same), you go to Hell. Why would you want to spend eternity with someone you rejected?

Look, people don't get dragged away in chains to Hell for doing bad things. That's not supported by any reputable Christian theologian. Rather, people willingly choose Hell when they are judged. It's not a choice God wants people to make, but it's one He respects. For a lot of people, spending eternity with God would be more painful than eternity in Hell.

Zeus posted...
Probably a good question for a biblical scholar or priest.

I'm no biblical scholar or priest, but I'll answer.

I don't think that, when Joseph married Mary, he did it out of lust. In fact, it's doubtful they ever even had intercourse, as Mary was pregnant (with Jesus) before she got married, and Joseph was already pretty old when he married her. Contrary to the Protestant belief, Mary and Joseph had Jesus and that's it.

The fact that Joseph got married to Mary in no way justifies an old man molesting underage girls.

It's important to remember that this guy isn't exactly a Catholic or Orthodox. He probably either made up his own sect/belief system, or joined a sect of Christianity that happened to support the nonsense he's spewing.
"Remember kid, there's heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart kid, and you'll never go wrong."