You are in a fight. You're losing

Poll of the Day

"He who fights and runs away / Lives to fight another day!"

The important word is always context. Who am I fighting and why? If I'm defending my person against an assault, I'm going to fight dirty while likely planning to escape at the first opportune moment and let the authorities handle it from there. If I'm outmatched by an assailant -- or assailants -- where I can't escape and I'm in danger of injury, I would likely just stab the attacker(s), probably in a non-lethal area but I'm going to strike enough times that they'd either retreat or become incapacitated (unless a better weapon was handy). I don't like the idea but if one of us is ending up in a hospital, it's not going to be me.

If it's an all-out brawl, I'm just getting out of these and grabbing any friends, etc, and then calling the cops. If it's a fight with a friend, I can probably kick most of my friends' asses so that's a non-issue although I'd obviously go out of my way not to hurt them -- probably just apply a wrestling hold until I get them to calm down (which I've done a few times) -- or surrender if that was an option.
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