You are in a fight. You're losing

Poll of the Day

Action53 posted...
I wouldn't be in a fight or start one in the first place. If after kindly asking them to fuck off and go away with no results I'd draw my weapon and see if if they decide to heed my warning or end up on the wrong side of my state's stand your ground law.

I want to give you a warning, that isn't how the stand your ground law works entirely. There has to be disparity of force, where "death or great bodily harm" would have resulted if you didn't pull the trigger. If you are more muscular or in general bigger than the guy attacking you, YOU CANNOT use lethal force to end the dispute. If Vin Diesel was being threatened hand to hand violence by Jim Parsons in a "Castle Doctrine" state, and Vin Diesel used a firearm to protect himself, Vin Diesel would go to prison and so will you in the same scenario. There has to be a disparity of force, such as someone much tougher than you attacking you, someone using a weapon (be it knife, baseball bat, crowbar, gun), or multiple attackers threatening you.
IT'S TOO LATE... TO GO BACK... I let darkness.. seep through the cracks...
Love is bleeding, I curse my breathing... the day is gone.. the day is gone...