Do you believe soda companies care about your health?

Poll of the Day

Golden Road posted...
I don't get the HFCS fear mongering. If you drink bucketloads of soda, it doesn't matter whether it has HFCS or regular sugar. Demonizing HFCS specifically is missing the forest for the trees, and weirdly makes it sound like soda with regular sugar is health food o_O

High fructose corn syrup is bad, but it's just as bad as ordinary sugar, not an extra evil version.

Again, a higher fructose content means more of the sugar is bypassing the first regulatory step in carbohydrate metabolism, which means it contributes more to the development of diabetes, as well as being more immediately converted into fat. Other forms of sugar are also bad in similar ways, but HFCS is particularly bad because of its high fructose content.