Is censorship of offensive speech on gamefaqs "morally" sound?

Poll of the Day

omnichaos posted...
Who gets to decide what is or isn't offensive?

Here? SBAllen does, as judged and enforced by the mods (and by him specifically if you appeal the moderation far enough). At any other business? The business owners.

In public spaces that aren't owned by anyone? Depends on where you live, but generally there is either no standard for offensiveness (meaning it's up to each individual to define what is or is not offensive and how they will react to any offensive conduct they encounter there) or the government will define what crosses the line between free expression and unacceptable speech.

Amuseum posted...
morals aren't defined by open debate

Morals aren't really defined period. They're entirely subjective.

Ethics are morals that actually have some definition to them and are generally legally enforceable.

omnichaos posted...
Because you're disrupting the movie, not because you're offensive

Put it this way - if you went up to one of the staff at the concession stand and, without disrupting anything, called them a racial slur, you would be similarly tossed out.

omnichaos posted...
If you mark posts, you are the guy making disruptive noises in the theater who is justifiably removed.

Except you're not removed for marking someone else's post; they are, if the posts are actually in violation of the rules.
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