Is censorship of offensive speech on gamefaqs "morally" sound?

Poll of the Day

darkknight109 posted...
You know, I find it very strange how much of a hard-on the internet generation has for so-called "censorship", when most of what is being complained about isn't in any way comparable to actual censorship.

Let's be clear: "censorship" is supposed to mean the active suppression of facts and/or dissent, usually undertaken to solidify the grasp on power held by some party or autocrat. Censorship frequently involves not just the stifling of discourse and the editing or silencing of troublesome voices, but also violence, intimidation, and sometimes downright murder. It is an action undertaken by totalitarian regimes, it causes hardship, and it impedes progress.

Having a post moderated on GameFAQs isn't censorship - that's just called a ToS violation. It means you broke the rules you agreed to follow when you signed up for this 100% completely free-to-use site. In the same way that if you shouted "piss cock balls fuck" in the middle of a fancy restaurant you would be asked to leave, you are not being censored so much as you are being taken to task for being an asshole and violating the rules of decent human conduct.

Equating internet moderations to censorship is a bit like calling someone who isn't a vegetarian a mass murderer - you're ridiculously blowing the former out of proportion and dis-empowering the label that's supposed to be used for the latter.

I agree with literally every word you just said. However, the issue here is what everyone is already thinking. Gamefaqs moderators DO have a tendency to moderate and delete posts of forum users that do NOT break the ToS. They do this to attempt to censor people they do not agree with in order to prevent others from hearing an objective opinion. These moderators are in a position of power and they DO use it to censor people unjustly. I myself have had about four moderations overturned when I requested a different mod read a case. I know I'm not the only one. It's true that probably the vast majority of moderations on GameFAQs violate the TOS. That doesn't mean that the moderators using their power to censor people they don't agree with doesn't happen and they arent abusing their power.
Tenshinhan's Kikoho gonna knock a whole mess of dudes out of the tournament. Mark my words. 7/24/2017