Last night's Game of Thrones finale pulled 36% more viewers than last year.

Poll of the Day

PK_Spam posted...

5's finale actually had things happening. 7 had, like, 3 things to cover an hour and 15 minutes, and two of those things were done as uninterestingly as possible

Yeah it (season 5) had a good finale following a totally bad season

And I disagree. This season had the reunion of the Lannisters, reveal of the White Walker, Baelish being called out, the Stark siblings working together, the Targaryen back stories, Theon taking a stand for Yara, Jaime realizing how mad Cersei is, and the attack on the wall...

Like if this didn't have enough going on and was too much dialogue I don't know how you tolerated season 1 and 2

The real issue is the poor pacing leading up to this season left so much to be dealt with in very little screen time. This finale sets up the next season well. But only 6 episodes to resolve anything is ridiculously short.
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