Last night's Game of Thrones finale pulled 36% more viewers than last year.

Poll of the Day

Judgmenl posted...
No I didn't like the show and stopped after season 1.

Season 1 wasn't that great, season 2 was worse, but 3 is where it really hooks. With all of the other seasons there it makes the first season better. It makes more sense, there's too much story to convey all of what's going on.

But not for everyone, if you don't like it then cool

FrozenBananas posted...
InfestedAdam posted...
I am gonna wait till the next season of West World releases, resubscribe to HBO Now, and catch up on Game of Thrones and watch West World. Hearing about the events of GoT from my coworkers and watching YouTube clips is surprisingly good enough for me.

I think part of me is still holding out for the original story being told via the books so I am not 100% interested in the events of the HBO series.

It is clearly a very different story than the books. I've actually feeler very betrayed by the last 2 books so I've sided with the show more recently. It's been hit or miss but I guess more hits than anything else.

Also, I have to agree that YouTube is perfect for this show. You can find any specific scene you want to watch. And this show is all about singular scenes. YouTube is great for rewatching scenes

Martin planned to do it as a trilogy and he's now at 5 books, maybe he stretched it out a bit too much? or just bad writing? I haven't read the books yet. Keeps putting me to sleep. :P
Never write off the Doctor!