Asians are OUTRAGED over the WHITE-WASHING of a Character in HELLBOY!!!

Poll of the Day

If it's a half-white character, casting an all-white actor is less of an issue than replacing a 100% minority actor *unless* the character looks completely like the other race (ie, Barack Obama). As a general rule, I hate these kinds of casting changes -- whether it's turning Motoko white or L black -- but I don't really know this character and, again, he's half-white anyway so I have less of a problem.

Full Throttle posted...
Netflix release of Japanese manga adaptation Death Note drew outrage when it transferred a japanese story to Seattle without any asian actors.

L should have been Asian, tbh. It would be a reverse-Othello.

Full Throttle posted...
Studies have shown that diverse casts often lead to better box office returns and yet the top 100 films of 2015 contained not one leading role for an Asian-American. This has lead to frustration for many prominent Asian-American actors

Most of those so-called "studies" are fictitious. Plus you don't have *that* many A-list Asian actors (although that's partly due to Asians getting fewer roles, but still, there are enough Asians getting roles that the number of A-listers should be higher)

Lokarin posted...
I don't get how one can complain about forced token minorities at the same time as whitewashing.

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