This 17 y/o Georgia Kid is Suing CSX Train after they CUT OFF HIS LEGS!!!

Poll of the Day

Do you think the company should pay up for this?

17 y/o Jacob Ohl from Georgia, a high school senior is SUING CSX Trains after he lost BOTH of his LEGS below the knees when he was hit by a train in March and claims the company is responsible because they didn't blow their horn to warn him!!

Jacob was hit while walking along the track with his EARBUDS in his ear and his mother said that while he "sensed" the train was near, he didn't hear it fast enough to get out of the way

They say CSX was negligent and now wants 200,000 in compensation

They don't blame just the company but the operator as well, Derrick Tyrone Marshal and Clifton Edward Martin. The family said they saw Jacob when they were a 1000 feet from him but didn't ring the bell, blow the horn or put on the brakes after hitting also took 2600 feet for the train to make a full stop once the brakes were applied.

CSX also did not put up proper warning signs or fences to stop people from walking by the tracks and now they want the company to pay for his medical bills and damages he may incur in the future

A Gofundme page was created for Jacob which has amassed 45,000+ so far

On the day of the incident, Jacob was hit by the train where his legs were COMPLETELY RIPPED OFF but he was still alive and was able to call 911 for help as he was calmly talking to the operator stating "Um, i just got hit by a train"...Ohl was in shock and his voice was unusually flat and she asks what had happened..He replied that there's a problem with his legs and said "I think it cut them off".

Paramedics found him and applied tourniquets to his legs to stop the bleeding and saved his life.

He was a senior at Brookwood High School and was an HONOURS student who played first-chair stand-up bass in the school orchestra

He goes by the name FishbOhl and is a member of the school's jazz band where he played bass

Do you think CSX should pay up? let's see what people think

Jacob - Before accident

Jacob - After accident

Type of train that hit him -
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