Trump is THREATENING REPUBLICANS if they don't Repeal Obamacare!!!

Poll of the Day

Do you think Obamacare should be repealed without a replacement?

Donald Trump has THREATENED Republicans if they fail to repeal and replace the ACA and said that there will be repercussions than they will understand in a fiery of tweets he's released.

It's one of several demanding they repeal Obamacare now and think of a new healthcare plan LATER, leaving more than 20 million off healthcare once again.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell from Kentucky is making one last ditch effort to resuscitate the legislation after stating they were moving in on the vote and forcing his members to take a stand now and to not leave town during the August recess

The process to undo the healthcare law Obama put in place was harder than originally thought as 3 Republican senators will vote against it and a bill to repeal and replace parts of Obamacare, losing the GOP majority they need.

In addition, Trump said he was outraged that Republicans are doing "very little" to protect the president after he claims HE put them over the line to win their primaries.

Do you think they should REPEAL Obamacare? let's see what people will vote

Trump - Crybaby
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