Which type of internet users do you find the absolute worst to deal with?

Poll of the Day

Zeus posted...
Juggernaut480 posted...
Flamers truly believe in what they rant and argue with people about on the internet in the most obnoxious way possible just so they can feel that they "won" an argument or believe that they're "right" and you're "wrong"

Are you trying to coin a new expression? Because it'd be better if you didn't choose one with an existing meaning, since flamer has traditionally meant a person who is flamboyant in manner or dress. >_>

And, if you're looking for a word for somebody who just goes around insulting everybody, there are quite a few words for that already including "asshole," "jerk," and so on.

Flamer has two completely different definitions on the urban dictionary or on the internet in general. One is what you just described and the other is just being a jerk or triggered snowflake picking fights or arguments with people on the internet over not being able to agree to disagree or things not going his/her way.