15 y/o Girl confronts NEIL GORSUCH and compared Muslims to the Japanese in WW2!

Poll of the Day

Do you agree with Olivia?

15 y/o Olivia Tafs from Alaska got into Neil Gorsuch's face after shaking his hand where he was forced to listen to her harsh criticism of the President's controversial Muslim ban!!

He was at a naturalization ceremony when Olivia read aloud an essay she wrote on the ban where she compared Trump's treatment of Muslims to the internment of the Japanese in 1942 when more than 120,000 Japanese-Americans were ordered to leave the West Coast in the wake of Pearl Harbour and to go to internment camps

Gorsuch voted in favour of the ban and rose to his feet to shake her head after hearing her speech

She wasn't alone as Jeffrey Seller, the producer of Hamilton also blasted Trump's ban who said that some of his cast members were afraid of the president's anti-Mexican rhetoric

Neil spoke and said while tolerance is difficult, he said it was vital for democracy.

Do you agree with Olivia?

Olivia -


Neil - Right Wing Whacko



Japanese Americans during WW2 -




Americans for Muslims -

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