Which was your favorite jurassic park movie?

Poll of the Day

The original.

This poll amuses me because I just had a Jurassic marathon.

I enjoyed Jurassic Word second best. Claire annoys me though. I want to like her, and I get what they where they were going with her, but she's just annoying throughout most of the movie. If they want her to be a workaholic, fine, but have her actually care somewhat about the dinosaurs. That alone would have made a huge improvement to her. I'll probably find her much more enjoyable in the next film.

Jurassic Park 3. I liked the raptors here. There was a lot of silliness, but the raptors alone make this movie worth watching. It's probably evil of me, but I do wish Mr. Kirby died. He annoyed the crap out of me. Mrs. Kirby was annoying, but at least she didn't make me actively wish she died.

The Lost World. Ian Malcolm annoys me. I feel like, "Well, he's always right because the plot says so." It'd be better if he didn't come as so arrogant. Well, he comes off as more arrogant in the first film, I admit, but he annoyed me there too. The raptors were crap here. They are excellent hunters who, upon dealing with the main cast, "turn into the Three Stooges" (quoting my dad there).