A 70's Mix II came out for Rocksmith today!

Poll of the Day

Music has that ability to enhance a memory, for better or worse. But even when it's sad it can be beautiful.

What you said about goosebumps - for me that's Dust in the Wind by Kansas. I have a lot of musical memories with my mother, but that song specifically would make me cry for years. Still get a bit choked up when I hear it. She played guitar and had a beautiful singing voice, and that was one of the songs she loved to play.

I have a very specific memory of her sitting on the trunk of her car in the parking lot outside our apartment. Warm summer day, golden haze from the setting sun, her hair glowing in the light. She had on a blue sort of tank top with spaghetti straps, cut off jean shorts, barefoot, guitar in her lap with the neck pointing toward the sun, she's watching her fingers on the fret, looking relaxed yet focused, playing Dust in the Wind.

It's probably my most vivid memory of her. I remember it so clearly, even though sometimes small details change (what car she had at the time, color of her top). I used to avoid that song when it came up because it would make me sad, but now I'm thankful that it's provided me this beautiful gift. Better than a thousand photos or videos, because it's mine, and mine alone.
"outrage culture sure is fun." - Nade Duck