How many generations of your family was born and raised in the United States?

Poll of the Day

Zeus posted...
On my mother's side, I might be third-gen. It's a little murkier since I *think* know a bit more about that side, although I particularly remember the fact that he died young and that was probably one reason why we may been screwed out of a substantial family fortune. (Which is a good example of the rich getting poor.) My mother's side has a ton of relatives, though, with a lot of stories about somebody backstabbing somebody else, minor scandals, suspicious deaths, etc.

Party politics have got nothing on family politics for viciousness and toxicity, that's for sure. The kind of politics where there's a whole fucking omerta about even mentioning another wing of the family, to the point that you only discover the existence of certain cousins when you're in your 20s.
Slaughterhouse 5
Cattle 0