Rate DBZA Episode 30 Freeza: The Final Cut

Poll of the Day

Veedrock- posted...
Tell me what was so good about this episode. The humor wasn't there until part 3, this was basically 100% plot development.

The series doesn't have to be 100% humor. It would get sour if they just tried to throw joke after joke as much as possible without staying relatively true to the canon.

But there are plenty of humorous moments - Goku's speech about being a Super Saiyan ("I am the bacon in the fridge for all living things that cry out in hunger"), King Kai continually reacting to the battle and trying to get Tien/Yamcha/etc. to react, as well as the two-liner:

King Kai: "I don't have to tell you everything! I don't have to tell you anything!"
Tien: "And that just about sums up our time spent here."

Goku not paying attention to Freeza's speech as he blows up the planet, or being offered pizza to let him transform

Bulma being left alone

"So this is what counts for omnipotence these days"

That's like the first 5-6 minutes of part one, and that was just me clicking through random bits. Sure the first two minutes were about Goku becoming Super Saiyan, but again, plot development does not mean the episode is bad just because there are no jokes.
Not changing this sig until Pat Benatar is in Super Smash Bros. (Started 8/31/2010)
BRAVELY DEFAULT: 1075 - 0844 - 9134 + FS: Pumkaboo, Lampent, Dusclops.