This was the 25 y/o BLONDE Girl who leaked Documents of RUSSIA HACKING!!!

Poll of the Day

Full Throttle posted...
25 y/o Reality Leigh Winner from Georgia,

What? That's... what? Who the fuck would have a name like... what? And who would hire... seriously, what the fuck?

Full Throttle posted...
Should Reality go to Prison?

Probably. This doesn't seem like whistleblowing, just something she did to fulfill a personal vendetta against the president. It's a far cry from the actions of Chelsea Manning who exposed heinous actions of the military and Edward Snowden who outed US spying on US citizens.

Full Throttle posted...
The intercept story states that the documents raises the possibility that Russian hackers breached some elements of the voting system bringing the investigation of election interference..

Seems like a planted story, especially considering that we were repeatedly assured before and after that it couldn't happen, plus the recount turned up extra votes in Hillary's favor rather than Trump's which was attributed to a... I can't remember the error, but it was like 1 extra vote per district which isn't huge.
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