This was the 25 y/o BLONDE Girl who leaked Documents of RUSSIA HACKING!!!

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25 y/o Reality Leigh Winner from Georgia, was arrested for releasing classified documents to the media related to the leaks on the Russian Election Hacking Scandal!!

The government charged the intelligence contractor with removing classified material from a government facility and said "Winner is a contractor with Pluribus International Corporation against to a US Government Agency facility in Georgia. She has been employed at the facility since on or about February 13 and has held Top Secret clearance during that time. Winner printed and improperly classified intelligence reporting which contained classified national defense information from an intelligence community agency, and unlawfully retained it. A Few days later, she unlawfully transmitted by mail the intelligence reporting to an online news outlet. FBI as arrested and charged the woman they say leaked a Top Secret document"

Billie Winner, her mother was shocked to learn about her daughter's arrested and not sure why..she said "I don't know what they're alleging. I don't know what she might have sent it to. DOJ were very vague. They said she mishandled and released documents that she shouldn't have but we have no idea what it pertained to or who"

She said she never discussed her work and didn't know much about her job as a government contractor. They said she's passionate about her views and things like that but has never been active in politics.

Her tweets revealed her frustration with the Trump administration and retweeted a joke about government leaks. In response to Trump's tweet about immigrations from the 7 Muslim-majority countries, she wrote "SO DANGEROUS. have you ever met an iranian?" She also posted #RESISTANCE.

She was an active supporter of Bernie Sanders and was upset when he lost against Hillary Clinton..but she was also distraught when Trump won and wrote to Bernie "i listened to you daily, and your podcast kept me sane. What the heck #Betrayed #Disillusioned"

She also retweeted Sanders statement calling the president racist and xenophobic

The documents released showed top secret NSA document revealing efforts by the Russian Military intelligence to conduct spear phishing cyber attack on a company and local voter registration by committing cyber espionage operations against a named US Company in August 2016.

The intercept story states that the documents raises the possibility that Russian hackers breached some elements of the voting system bringing the investigation of election interference..

Trump has rallied against leaks and asked congress to focus not on the Russian hacks but on the "unmasking" of individuals in leaked documents

Should Reality go to Prison?

Reality -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right