Poll: Do you think Trump will keep his promise to "Knock out ISIS"?

Poll of the Day

Nah, ISIS is funded and operated by our supposed allies in that area.

A couple weeks ago there was a awkward situation. Pentagon blacked militants, where fighting CIA funded rebels.


Assad isn't that bad given that the US and Israel are trying to do a regime change in Syria. By doing this we're backing 'moderate' rebels. But these rebels still behead kids, and throw gays off rooftops. Basically we're trying to do what we did to Libya, only it got way more fucked up.

The Rojava are alright, but they got communist elements in their groups.
In November of 2006 three P/C posters disappeared in the woods near Caver Ted's Caves, while LARPing...A year later their weblog was found.-PC board.