This 22 y/o White Kid who is a member of the ALT-RIGHT MURDERED a Black Man!!!

Poll of the Day

Do you think the Alt-Right should be monitored by the Government as a hate group?

22 y/o Whacko, Sean Christopher Urbanski, a University of Maryland student was charged with stabbing a visiting student in an UNPROVOKED attack that has rattled the school over graduation weekend!!

He faces first and second degree murder charges as well as first degree assault as police are investigating this as a hate crime but have not said it was a motive

23 y/o Richard Collins III was murdered as he was visiting the University and was awaiting an Uber ride with 2 friends at 3am

They were standing near a bus stop when he was stabbed in the chest with a folding knife. He was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead.

Sean fled the scene but was stopped by police after the victims friends identified him..Sean was not scheduled to graduate and is held without bail.

He was apparently intoxicated and incoherent during the arrest as police found the knife at the scene

The victim and suspect did not know each other but Sean's Facebook revealed that he was a member of the ALT-RIGHT/REICH: NATION: GROUP that posts racist memes.

While the suspect is white and the victim and is black, and despite his racist posts, they still don't believe race played a role in the stabbing.

Rosey Ugo Edeh was in town to see her daughter graduate was shocked over the murder as this weekend was supposed to be about the students celebration.

School President Wallace Loh called the attack senseless and unprovoked and said students deserve to feel safe at the University

Richard was supposed to graduate on May 23 at Bowie State University and was commissioned as a second Lt. in the US Army. He had been in the ROTC in college as family posted pictures of him in his uniform.

Do you think the Alt-Right should be monitored by the Government?.

Sean - Racist Murderer

Richard - Deceased
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right