Do you support red light cameras?

Poll of the Day

I support having them solely for accountability purposes, as opposed to actively trying to give more unnecessary tickets. I don't like their ability to give tickets if a red light is run that did not lead to an accident (unless said red light run is particularly egregious, like the other direction already has a green and you still blow through it). However, if an actual police officer observes a situation like that, then yes, give the guy a ticket.

EX1: It's 3AM and I'm at an intersection where the light takes FOREVER to change cycles because the traffic in the other direction (during normal hours of the day) is much heavier. At this point of night, it's desolate. I can see for half a mile in all directions and there isn't a soul around. So I run the light. I've done it before and there's never been an issue. If a red light camera gave me a ticket for that, I would flip shit. BUT, if a cop were to see me doing that, then yeah, I deserve a ticket.

EX2: It's rush hour and I'm on the main highway back home. The speed limit is 55, but there's a light up ahead. It's green, and traffic is going normally (everyone is going ~50-55), but it's a bit clustered. The light changes yellow at a point where I don't want to slam on the brakes because A.) that's obviously never good for your car/tires, and B.) I don't want to get rear-ended and knocked into the intersection. So I end up entering the intersection right as the light turns red, thus technically running a red light. Of course, a camera will not capture the whole situation, in which it was, in all likelihood, safer for me to run the light, rather than slam on my brakes. And it would give you a ticket for that because hey, you ran the red light, even though you and I and any police officer all know that it was totally safe (especially when you include the delay between your light turning red and the other side turning green). I would be out of the intersection at least 2+ seconds before the other way turns green again. This is a situation where a ticket is simply unnecessary.

EX3: It's the middle of the day. Not rush hour, but still a fair amount of normal traffic. Dumbass straight up runs a red light while the other way has the green. While he was lucky and didn't hit anyone or get hit, he obviously still deserves a ticket. This is a situation in which a red light camera should give him a ticket because it holds him accountable. He can't just get away with shit like that and say "well that was lucky!" and not get punished for it.

My thoughts, more or less
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