Do you consider yourself a fan of the nba?

Poll of the Day

I liked it a lot more when I was younger, but not I just find it to be OK. I can watch a game for while but I don't even remember the last time I sat down and watched a whole game.

I mostly blame flops. And the dragging on of the time in the last 2 minutes. And LeBron.

Alright, here's my issue with LeBron. When the casters talk about him, they talk about him as if he's some basketball god that does everything perfect. I literally heard a caster say about him,

"That's the most perfect bounce pass I've ever seen!" or something along those lines.

I rolled my eyes.

But mostly, it's the flops that make me not want to watch. Then after any sort of foul happens and doesn't get called, the player(s) look around and try to get the foul called. (The foul "pleading" is what makes me dislike watching a lot of sports.) (In fact, I was quite annoyed with the China vs. Iraq. I swear the Iraq players were trying to take a nap on that field.)
If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking systems, there would be a revolution before morning - Andrew Jackson