This California TEACHER said that Gay People DESERVED to DIE!!!

Poll of the Day

Would you have Fired a Teacher who said this to a SCHOOL Newspaper?

Special Education Teaching Freak, Michael Stack has resigned from his job after backlash ensued over his anti-gay letter he wrote to a school newspaper in which he quoted the BIBLE verse which said that homosexuals "deserved to die"!!

He wrote the letter to a student newspaper, Expressions, at a high school in San Luis Obispo, California and the paper published a series of articles on gay relationships.

In his 659 diatribe, he insinuated that he wanted to put gay pepole on the "right path" and backed up his claims by quoting Roman 1: 16-32 that described homosexual acts as "shameful"

Students and parents voiced their outrage over his anti-gay views AND at the school for allowing it to be published

But the paper said they were using their First Amendment rights and that the government may not prohibit expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea offensive or disagreeable said Superintendent Eric Prater

They said his letter was not a "threat" to the LGBT and said in order for it to be a "true threat" that the speech must be reasonably forseeable as serious expression of intent to harm or assault and said simply saying homosexuals deserved to die is perfectly "fine" in his opinion.

That letter ignited backlash as people threatened HIM for writing that article and finally Michael resigned from his job and said "Now people are exercising their First Amendment rights by responding to that letter, this is how America is designed to function. God knows my heart and my students know my actions, but the community apparently wants me out, so thereby i grant them their desires and immediately resign from my position as teacher at SLCUSD"

The school said he was set to leave before the backlash and was hired on a probationary basis but made his lasting impression by stating his anti-gay views before he left.

That however did not calm the anger as the LGBT staged a protest outside the school holding rainbow flags and signed that said "Bigotry designed as Religious Liberty is still bigotry".

16 y/o Amber Ernst said his letter was "heartbreaking" and said "I'm very strong in what i believe n and who i am, but for others still trying to find themselves, i feel like something like this will be really damaging. It's heartbreaking for them to see a teacher essentially say they're going to hell"

Luca MacDougall defended publishing it stating they publish all letters regardless of content, unless it included PROFANITY..

Would you have Fired a Teacher who said this to a School Newspaper?

Michael - Ding Dong the Witch is Gone

Expressions - Depression Paper

Protest -
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