If you had a choice would you want a genius level I.Q?

Poll of the Day

It's not as great as people make it out to be. Things like ambition and a good work ethic are more important. In fact, being so intelligent makes it difficult to gain a good work ethic because of how easy school is. Then you run into problems interacting with others. I'm luckily not socially awkward at all, but being around others can sometimes be frustrating. You can just see how slowly everyone else is thinking and... the scope at which they think. It's hard to describe, but it feels like they don't see things in a bigger picture until you point it out. I still love being around people, but people act like being a genius makes life instantly easy for you or something. It has its own share of problems, but grass is greener, so people think high intelligence is just better. I wish I were a bit more average.
"I mean, even the buffest gym bro can't work out his eyeballs, right? They're all equally squishy!" - Mia, Xenoblade Chronicles X