Raetsel and the Alts finish ranking 784 songs [+ Bonus Songs]

Board 8

Two songs to start the morning, featuring two songs that were at the top of the list and have fallen a ways.


#218: Serj Tankian - Harakiri (4:19):

Nominator: Murphiroth [5/32 Remaining]

Initial Score: 96.20
Revised Score: 88.73
Final Score: 71.45

(First Reaction: I actually suggest watching & listening to the video for the song instead of the album version:


While the video does help emphasize the song's message, I particularly like the choice of Presidential speeches to sample. I think the added dialog really pushes the song to the next level. It's a great song and it honestly doesn't need the push, but you know I'll take the version with spoken word samples over the one without every time.)

!Definitely one of the better environmentalist songs I've ever heard. Catchy enough to be memorable and a great song, while still being brutally honest enough that the message isn't lost or overly watered down.

[Final Thoughts: "Don't read the comments" is always good advice, but doubly so on a video that's explicitly anti-capitalism and about global warming. I feel like the added voice samples improve the song because of course I do, I pretty much always vote in support of spoken word samples taken out of context, just... don't be dumb enough to subject yourself to certain idiots. (This does not have an impact on the score. Just... don't.)

Anyway I'm not quite in love with this song right now--not the album version, nor the video version; it's still incredibly catchy, a good message, and probably his best performance on the album & I do really like it... just wouldn't say I'm in love with the song right now. Though it definitely was at the very top off the list originally.]




#217: LOONA 1/3 - Fairy Tale [3:08]:

Nominator: cakophon [2/20 Remaining]

Initial Score: 64.309
Revised Score: 90.70
Final Score: 71.46

(First Reaction: A very nice, dreamy song.)

!Somehow this romantic dream song is hitting unbelievably hard tonight... I'm *almost* crying in response, which is... interesting. Let's move this song up to the 90 point tier for a bit.

[Final Thoughts: A beautiful song with a very dreamy atmosphere, though it does feel a *bit* repetitive towards the end. Still a definite highlight of the topic though. I'm also not vibing with this even half as much as that second time around... I really like the atmosphere it creates & it's very cute and sweet, but it's not completely emotionally destroying me at the moment.]

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar