Raetsel and the Alts finish ranking 784 songs [+ Bonus Songs]

Board 8

-hotdogturtle-- posted...
I had recently heard this song and was shocked by how different it sounded than the few big songs that this group is known for.

Huh. I'm not sure I've heard any of their other songs...

NBIceman posted...
No blasphemy at all - I like Antimai a lot. Not every song lands perfectly and it definitely doesn't compare to the Acts for me, but it was still easily my most-played album in 2022. Ring 8, Ring 7, Ring 6, Ring 2, and Ring 1 are all pretty awesome in my book.

That's a surprise. The few reviews I read of the album were extremely scathing, so I thought it was a bit of a black sheep. Ring 7's definitely my favorite, though I also enjoyed Ring 4 with the corrupt police officer--it felt like a bit more of a complete story than the other rings.


First five songs ot the day, including the song with the largest number of Upgrades (thus far). Not sure how many posts they're going to have to be split into... probably two, but maybe three?



#228: Turnover - Dizzy On The Comedown (4:18):

Nominator: Dragon66116 [7/12 Remaining]

Initial Score: 72.13
Revised Score: 72.13
FInal Score: 71.061

(First Reaction: Lines about life/reality being an illusion are always worth some easy points, as simple & unrelated to the majority of the song as it may be. The main song has a wistful, vaguely depressive feel to it & the singer's voice seems well-suited for the vibe it's giving off.)

![passes on typing anything for now]

[Final Thoughts: I know I'm taking the easy copout of just saying "I really like this" too often this tier, but I really like what I really like.]




#227: The Johnson Mountain Boys - Duncan & Brady (He's Been On the Job Too Long): (3:18)

Nominator: CPU [7*/30 Remaining]

Initial Score: 36.15
Revised Score: 51.07
Final Score: 55.40 [Upgraded to 67.89] [Upgraded to 69.38] [Upgraded to 71.17]

(First Reaction: A murder ballad isn't a bad idea for a nomination, but this type of really old fashioned country is a bit too old for my blood. I like the idea, not really sold on the performance of it.)

There are a lot of covers of this song, but I can't say I particularly like any of them more... some have different instruments that appeal to me more, such as Judy Henske & Frank Fairffield's renditions of the song, but I'm not wild about their vocals. And I flatly have no idea what to make of Bob Dylan's cover:


It's certainly different and I suppose I like it, but it's... it's different.


Back on topic... I think I just don't care for banjo music?

*clicks a few random songs that won't be mentioned to avoid derailing things any further*

Alright, so claiming to dislike an entire instrument was stupid and I'm fine with banjo music when it's played at a lower pitch. I am officially miffed by higher pitched banjo notes. Now, I know what you're thinking: That is both incredibly specific and incredibly stupid. And you would be right! I have no justification for this. There's no secret tragic backstory for my aversion to those notes, no lingering resentment, nothing triggering... it's just an almost generic level of "hey, you know that sound there? I don't like that particular sound for absolutely no reason other than personal preference". As such, this might possibly be the first song I've ever disliked for something resembling a valid reason, and that's pretty neat!

The lyrics are fairly enjoyable. I'm always up for a crooked cop getting what's coming to them song (see also: My love for Emerson, Lake & Palm'er's "The Sheriff", which I suspect might be why this track was nominated to begin with) and this easily doubles as a villain song. Granted, they're both kinda villains--Brady wanted an excuse to murder someone for fun, Duncan didn't seem to have a particularly good reason to kill Brady outside of "you interrupted us" and "Brady tried to arrest him"--but whatever, it's a fun story. It goes on a bit too long after Brady's death, but the extra verses aren't bad or actively detract from the song.

I do wish the story was more fictitious than it is.. being based on a real murder makes it a bit harder to enjoy. Though the details have been altered so much that the story might as well be fiction; the song combines Duncan (the man executed for the murder) & Charles Starkes (the bar owner who may have been the actual shooter, depending on who you ask), amongst other embellishments or changes.


(From a comment on that page:)

James Brady was indeed a police officer in St Louis, although, perhaps not surprisingly, allegations that he was corrupt are denied by the PD and his family. The drives around in an electric car line in the song is probably an attempt to display him as a man of money (ie., corrupt on a cops wage) but is most likely a mix up deliberate or otherwise with the gangster Diamond Jim Brady (James=Jim) who was the owner of one of the first electric cars, the Baker Electric Car.

Lots of fun historical information to learn in regards to this song, which is neat. I'd say I enjoyed learning about the song and comparing different versions, so I like this nomination. Kinda. Still not big on the instrument choices though.

[Final Thoughts: Yeah, I kinda like it.]

[Later: I like this quite a bit tonight, for whatever reason.]

[Later: A bit more of a boost. It took some time to adjust to this song's style, but I like the story enough that I want to give this a little bit extra.]

[Later: And enough of a boost to take this up a tier.]

[Later: There is no good reason for it, but one of the lines reminds me of a scene from Scrubs:


Something about the song's flat "Now you're lying dead on the barroom floor" just reminds me of that "You don't care, do you? 'Cause you're unconscious." in that making snarky comments to someone who can't possibly respond way.

Either way, I really like the story told in the song and I eventually came around on it. It did take a while to adjust to this style of song, but I enjoy it these days.]

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar