Raetsel and the Alts finish ranking 784 songs [+ Bonus Songs]

Board 8

Got a lot to reply to now that I'm back:

PIayer_0 posted...
Haha, the last four Grimes drops have been in the same order as my Spotify Liked Songs:

Wow, that's surprising. Usually my order of songs never lines up with anyone else's for anything, so that's pretty neat!

DoctorJimmy133 posted...
I was worried that nominating three zts tracks was gonna backfire.

...Yes, I am observant and definitely noticed those three were by the same artist before this exact moment.

CJones posted...
If you like Snake Oil Baptism and Bitter Suite IV & V, you'll probably also like DSO's Tap Dancer's Dilemma.

NBIceman posted...
I actually think I may have nominated Dilemma for this ranking last year?

It was the first ranking actually, so I haven't heard it since late 2018. It came in 38th place out of 200 songs, so I was really into it at the time, though it's not one I've revisited since that ranking... I'll add it to the post-ranking list; I enjoy revisiting songs from the first topic and I'm curious how I'll feel about it now.

CJones posted...
Speaking of The Bitter Suite, I managed to track down a copy of Act IV. Pretty good. I don't like it as much as Act V though. Also found Act II, which I'm listening to now. Still looking for I & III for a reasonable price.

I'm glad you found something you enjoyed from this topic!

I haven't gotten to Act II yet myself, so I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on it. (Also, I kinda love Act IV, so if you want to talk more about it then I'm definitely here for that).

Also, while I'm sure it's blasphemy to like anything from The Dear Hunter's most recent album (Antimai), I'd also like to say I was briefly obsessed with Ring 7 - Industry:


It's not related to the Acts at all and the album isn't the best (most of the songs are kinda same-y & it's concerned only with building the world, so it's a concept album without a story? And switching areas/characters every song means there's no continuity or plot), but I love Ring 7.


And I'm running late, no eliminations right now--will be back later.
"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar