Raetsel and the Alts finish ranking 784 songs [+ Bonus Songs]

Board 8

#401: Haken - Atlas Stone [7:31]:

Nominator: CJones [8/18 Remaining]

Initial Score: 63.00
Revised Score: 64.00
Final Score: 62.007

(First Reaction: Not often a fan of non-lyric voalizations, so the first solo is a bit of a low point. But the second solo has some amazing electric guitar that is rad in the best way possible, a real treat. The piano intro & outro were also pretty great and the lyrics ain't half-bad either for the most part (they can get a bit too high-pitched). I like this.)

!A nice progressive metal track that manges to keep things fresh and interesting for its runtime. The first solo is still not the type of thing I'm interested in, but it's quite short in comparison to the rest of the song so it's not much of a drawback.

[Final Thoughts: Just a generally good song all-around.]

Damn, I thought this was still alive. It wasn't until I checked the masterlist that I saw it wasn't. Had to do some searching to find the write-up. I expected this to be my second highest ranked song, after Salt. Wrong again :P

I can't disagree with anything you said, and I do agree with you about the "vocal solo" bit. Still, The Mountain is my favorite album by Haken, one of my favorite bands, and this is my favorite song off it. I just really like the grandiosity of it.

At least Salt is still alive.
Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it.