Raetsel and the Alts finish ranking 784 songs [+ Bonus Songs]

Board 8

kateee posted...
ok it finally took me until like the third song that i liked by this artist in the topic to look up more and i just found out this is Owl City lol

all the comments in the links kept referring to "Adam" too (even if i never thought of Owl City as 'Adam' just that I had heard him referred to as that before) aaaaa. not that i listened to him much since i fcking hated Firefleis

Port Blue is much different than the Owl City stuff. I, too, was not the biggest fan of Fireflies and have never listened to an entire Owl City album. But Port Blue, Colour Therapy, and stuff released under his own name are all instrumentals. He's claimed that his true passion in music is movie scores, so with these projects I think he tries to invoke that.
azuarc is OP.