Raetsel and the Alts finish ranking 784 songs [+ Bonus Songs]

Board 8

Raetsel_Lapin posted...
#254: Mori Calliope - Bully (4:05):

Raetsel_Lapin posted...
#252: Mint Potion - Alchemy (3:40):

There wasn't a #253, so all the numbers have been off by one since then. Edited the most recent eliminations to have the correct number next to them.



Bane: 11*/38 Remaining
BlackDra90n: 5/30 Remaining
cakophon: 4/20 Remaining
CJones: 3/18 Remaining
CPU: 10*/30 Remaining
DoctorJimmy: 7/24 Remaining
Dragon66116: 8/12 Remaining
handsomeboy: 12/31 Remaining
Haste: 3/31 Remaining
hotdogturtle: 4/14 Remaining
Jesse_Custer: 11/29 Remaining
kateee: 9/21 Remaining
Lasa: 2/14 Remaining
Mega Mana: 14/38 Remaining
Metalmind: 14/25 Remaining
Murphiroth: 7/32 Remaining
NBIceman: 9/22 Remaining
NFUN: 6/31 Remaining
paulg: 11/52 Remaining
Player_0: 9/33 Remaining
Raka: 17/31 Remaining
rwlh: 8/24 Remaining
sergio: 2/13 Remaining
Snake: 10/32 Remaining
TheArkOfTurus: 5/17 Remaining
TunnelScene: 9/27 Remaining
UF8: 11/30 Remaining
Xtlm: 5/13 Remaining
ZaziGuado: 12/28 Remaining

*Sorry Bro was uneliminated.

*Deja Vu (Classical) was also uneliminated

Okay, had several errors to correct as expected (including one song that kinda got deleted from existence--thankfully I have backup files to retrieve its writeup), but they should be fixed now.

Raka continues to have the most songs at 17; Mega Mana & Metalmind tie for second most remaining at 14.

EDIT: Err... wait, these numbers still aren't adding up. Give me a few more minutes. </.<

MORE EDITS: ...Okay, I think we have 238 songs remaining? That's how many the Public Song List counts (236 if you count the two un-eliminated songs), the number of songs in my file of writeups after finding the song I lost, and what I get when I tally the remaining song count.

So... let's just say that's the correct count?

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar