Raetsel and the Alts finish ranking 784 songs [+ Bonus Songs]

Board 8


#240: Lights - Saviour (3:28):

Nominator: Kateee [9/21 Remaining]

Initial Score: 90.00
Revised Score: 83.652
Final Score: 63.793 [Upgraded to 66.00] [Upgraded to 66.009] [Upgraded to something] [Something set to 70.43]

(First Reaction: I may actually listen to this entire album later. I loved Saviour and while I really need to be listening to nominated songs, I did continue to the next song (Drive My Soul) which is also really good... I'm tempted to just let it roll onto the third song, but I suppose I have other things I need to be doing right now and it is rather late at the time I'm writing this. Still, a fantastic song that seems like a lead-in to a great album, unless it goes completely off the rails later on.)

!Beautiful song, but not quite a type of beauty that I'm looking for at this exact moment... I definitely want to save this track and the album somewhere though because I'm positive it'll wind up being one of my favorites of all time if I'm in the right mood when I listen to it.

[Non-Final Thoughts: I... am not really feeeling this track tonight. I played it three times in a row because I remember loving it, but I'm bouncing really far off of it. I'm going to wait a day or two and try this again later.]

[Final Thoughts: I suppose ultimately I just don't want a saviour right now, which is limiting how much I can connect with the song. It's beutiful and I can see why I loved it--there's a lot here that could trigger some very specific flashbacks, but right now, I... like it still, but I'm not clicking with it these days.]

[Later: A bit of a rough song to listen to. I know why I loved it... there are a lot of memories and flashbacks associated with these lyrics and this song can absolutely break me if I'm in a certain headspace. I'm... not exactly there right now, but I think I'll add a few points because I don't want to eliminate this just yet. It's not connecting right now, but considering all the feelings attached to it, I wish to stalll for a few days and give it another chance before I officially eliminate it.]

[Later: I don't know... I'm going to add this to the group of Null Value songs and worry about it some other day.]

[Later: I'm still keeping this at a null value for now... some of the null songs are getting definitive point values and eliminated, but I haven't decided where I want this yet. All I know is that it's not being eliminated tonight.]

[Later: And I think I'll be cutting the song here. While there are definitely times that I love it, now isn't exactly one of them and this tier level is absolutely brutal with deciding what cuts to make... so I do really like this, but I really like everything and this one just isn't clicking enough as of late to avoid elimination forever.]




#239: Jukebox the Ghost - Fred Astaire (3:39):

Nominator: DoctorJimmy [7/24 Remaining]

Initial Score: 72.02
Revised Score: 58.24
Final Score: 56.20 [Upgraded to 60.00] [Upgraded to 60.83] [Upgraded to 63.01] [Upgraded to 68.25] [Upgraded to 70.19] [Upgraded to 70.464] [Upgraded to 70.485]

(First Reaction: A happy romantic dance song that I like quite a bit, even though those are far from being my favorite adjectives to describe a song.)

!Romantic and sweet; I like it, but it's not quite what I'm looking for at the moment and the lyrics can get pretty repetitive as the song goes on... kinda thinking it's a bit below the 60 point tier at the moment.

[Final Thoughts: Apparently there are times when I'll be super into this type of sweet romance and dancing, but unfortunately for this song, that's not really where I am right now and the chorus repeats itself too often for my blood. I still kinda like it and obviously kinda love it on the right day, just not today.]

[Later: Ohh, let's go ahead and add this to the Neo Clump. I think I like this often enough that it fits better there.]

[Later: This is still a thousand miles away from the heights of its Initial Score, but decidedly a few pegs better than "Neo Clump" status. Going to add some fractions of a point so it can move a bit ahead of the pack.]

[Later: That slower part at 2:30 is great. I think I'll add a few extra points for that.]

[Later: I'm still not as into this as I was the first time--the lyrics are just too repetitive for me to move it back up a tier--but I do like the song enough that it's much closer to that tier than it has been in a long while.]

[Later: I'll go ahead and move this song up a tier as well. It's starting to grow on me again.]

[Later: Minor boost.]

[That same day: I keep giving small boosts to songs and running into them again... so again, I either have to give this another boost or eliminate it. And I haven't decided yet.

...ehhh... alright, an extremely minor boost that moves this over one song. We'll see if it gets another boost tomorrow.]

[...: Well, I didn't eliminate that song either and we're here, again, for the third time. I think I'm okay eliminating this song now; it's fun and catchy and sweet, but I think this is as many points as I want to give. Now that we're at the point that I really like everything, this is getting rough. ...Which I just said one song ago, but it still remains true.]

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar