Raetsel and the Alts finish ranking 784 songs [+ Bonus Songs]

Board 8

Thank you to all who are still here (and thank you to those who were here, but aren't anymore as well) ; three songs to start the day, including our next elimination:


#258: Eskimo Callboy feat. Sasha - Hypa Hypa (2:55)

Nominator: BlackDra90n [5/30 Remaining]

Initial Score: 54.66
Revised Score: 69.00
Final Score: 69.588 [Upgraded to 70.009] [Upgraded to 70.016]

(First Reaction: The most "typical pop music"-esque version of Hypa Hypa, of the versions nominated. It's pretty nice and I like that it features a subdued version of that "pulsing beat" I often complain about--it's a more easy to listen to type of dance beat, which is something I was kinda looking for this year. But it's not the best version of the song, which probably holds it back a bit.)

*loses track of which "Hypa Hypa" song is which and listens to this one instead of the one with the lowest score* Whoops, guess this one's getting a Revised Score much sooner than I intended... at least it doesn't make any real difference and I caught on before the scoring got all messed up.

This song isn't synthwave or anything close to it, but there's a synthetic 80's vibe to it that I'm rather into at the moment and... actually give me a sec to remember what synthwave does sound like.

[Some Time Later]

...Right, I was supposed to be working and *not* falling into a playlist of music from an unrelated genre. I remember that. So this song: Big 80's dance party vibes. There's also this vague undercurrent of almost darkness... like it's not a dark song, not even remotely, but I can easily imagine just a few slight changes to the performance to make it really twisted, Honestly, with lines about her being a drug and the singer willing to die for her, it's wouln't take a lot to make the leap from "happy dance song" to "dark and obsessive dance song".

Either way, I find myself enjoying this quite a bit... in part because I'm imagining the song it could have been, but what's actually here is good too. Good enough to be worth getting lost in assorted fantasies about at least. I'm going to move this close to the top of the 60 point tier--leave a bit of room for some other songs to be further up the tier, but move it far enough that the song has seen a large jump from where it started.

[Final Thoughts: Definitely at the highest level of 60 point songs.]

[Later: I'm surprised this song wasn't already at the 70 point tier.]

[Later: A very minor increase.]


-and there goes the final Hypa Hypa song-


#257: King Geedorah - Fazers (3:18):

Nominator: rwlh [8/24 Remaining]

Initial Score: 70.08
Revised Score: 66,35
Final Score: 66.359 [Upgraded to 69.53] [Upgraded to 70.007] [Upgraded to 70.017]

(First Reaction: It's almost hard to believe this song came from an artist who was in joint last place at the previous topic, but this song is great. Some really good samples here, especially the backing music which is phenomenal.)

!Neat song. I still really enjoy the backing music and have no complaints about the song, but there also aren't any particular lyrics or moments I'm drawn to... just a general "this is really good, neat" type vibe.

[Final Thoughts: Magnificent backing track and I could always use more exposure to hip hop, so this is a good nomination.]


Turn into a triple-X monster from a fairy tale movie
He don't know me very well, do he?

"This line is an old Red Skelton catchphrase now best-remembered through its appropriation by Bugs Bunny."

I honestly did not know that was a reference to anything when Bugs said it. That Genius website actually taught me something. Neat! This doesn't impact my decision to move the song up as I had given it extra points before deciding to try to find something to say here, but it does help create a bit more content than a generic "adding points now" message.]

[Later: And up a tier with this one.]

[Later: Very minor boost to move this above a couple songs.]


-and another Looney Tunes reference, though that one was at least somewhat on topic-


#256: Brendan Byrnes - Trillopod [4:32]:

Nominator: Kopazzynth [Eliminated]

Initial Score: 62.02
Revised Score: 62.02
Final Score: 70.02

(First Reaction: These beeps please me.

...yeah, I feel good leaving it at that.)

!...I no longer feel good leaving things at that, but also can't think of anything I want to say either.

[Final Thoughts: Yes, this definitely pleases me. I am amused and content moving this up a tier, though I wonder why this song was so low to begin with.]



Elimination #2:

Lowest Ranked Song: Danny Playamaqui - Fig: [45.00]

Highest Ranked Song: Brendan Byrnes - Trillopod [70.02]

Average Score: 58.9879

You nominated a fairly consistent set of tracks. There weren't any songs that I disliked and 19/21 songs were on the positive half of scoring. Unfortunately, I didn't have a very strong reaction to many of the songs either; I generally enjoyed the concepts, but didn't quite find anything I loved. Still, your nominations did provide a nice bit of variety and I'm very thankful you took the time to participate.

Average Score Chart

Kopazzynth 58.9879
Shonen_Bat: 55.1250

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar