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CE Confessionary - Endgame

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Current Events » CE Confessionary - Endgame
The end is nigh, ce, and everyone knows it. Fandom is cracking the whip, but it doesnt mean that theyre cracking the whip on US.

So lets bring back Confessionary while were all (mostly) still here!


If you haven't heard of Confessionary before, heres how it works. You post an anonymous confession into my box, and I respond and post it for all of ce to see. Release the weight of your secrets, no one will know its you ;0

Oh yeah, and also I have mod approval so pls don't shut me down gamefaqs mods thanks

- Keep it PG-13 and TOS friendly
- Flaming is strictly prohibited, no matter if you name drop or not
- Links of any kind will be omitted from this topic

I have sole discretion over what is posted. Even if you don't technically break the rules above, if I sense that you are saying something to cause an issue in ce's tissues it will not be posted. Only you and I will know the truth.

Remember to recite your daily prayers to our celord and savior, error1355


Anywho, it's time to confess. Tell the class what you did. Abide by TOS rules + my own rules or I'll feed you to my snake.

I voted third party in 2016 and I've regretted it ever since. I thought by doing so I was protesting the crappy two candidates. Even though ultimately my county turned red overwhelmingly, I still feel like partly Trump won TX because of idiots like how I used to be.
It's okay, mistakes happen and at the time a lot of people felt the same way you did. I know peeps who regret that vote lol. He must've been convincing I guess. I can't really relate cause I felt very alienated by Trump as a woman and someone lgbt >.>
I regret the way that I've been on CE up until now. I wish I had been less awful and tried to be more friendly. I feel like I wouldn't be wanted on the CE Altenatives when this place really does close
You may do well to publicly say you regret your past actions. And if you actually have changed behavior, I think you'd be very surprised at people's willingness to forget and their goldfish memories lol

I have an eCrush on the moderator named Kimberly.
Idk who Kimberly is but her name sounds cute. Why u crushin on a mod though??

You're very brave for doing this.
I think the word you're looking for is "dumb," not brave
I have a bad habit of crushing on people that show me an iota of attention ._.
How small is an iota, really?
I have a hard time understanding Crimsoness. She is always friendly and chatty with me when she posted on CE, but in private she always removes me from social media or ignores anything I have to say. Did I do something to her? I wish shed just tell me.
It isn't personal, it's just mental illness. She may have anxiety over responding to people privately, and building up expectations to always respond. So she doesn't. It's easier that way.
If you wanna chat with her, do it on the boards. She is clearly more comfortable talking with you there, and there ain't nothin wrong with that.

Rumor has it she's back on PotD :0
You're my silver girl harpie
You've said this before and I still don't know what it means
but thanks bby ;00

OP does size matter?
The mini m&m's are so much better than the normal ones

I like big buts and I must tell the truth
thank u for ur truth

Kimberly just has this swagger when she posts. She randomly chimes in, always with the right thing to say. And she's just all around cool.
someone gimme her @
she's gotta know she's got swagger

How do I get a big butt? I feel like I remember you maybe have one of those and is it really just squats or what?? I NEED ANSWERS!
I don't gotta big butt >.>
It's more like a bubble butt. I don't have any secrets other than I saw some serious improvement after incorporating RDL's and Bulgarian Split Squats into my leg day routine

Are you a real woman or a fake one?
Real for now, but I'm still working on ai Harpie. Hopefully she'll soft launch later this year
If she is @able, it would be her name, Kimberly. Another cool thing about her is her username being just a name.
Hmmmmm we shall see. Kimberly is the best mod only behind error

Pororin hopes no one will know that Pororin is posting here, Pororin just wanted to say hi please accept Pororin as harpies new friends poro!
I am curious about you Poro, you gotta earn the friend title.
First: who is Poro? what is Poro? why is Poro? when is Poro? where is Poro?

Does the soft launch of AI Harpies come with soft goth or will you not finished the soft goth software for the soft launch?
We'll see what we can do. Hopefully AI Harpie will be able to adapt to any aesthetic as given by ce
I see no ways in which that could go wrong

Harpie posted...
I am curious about you Poro, you gotta earn the friend title.
First: who is Poro? what is Poro? why is Poro? when is Poro? where is Poro?
It's never HOW is poro....
DocileOrangeCup posted...
It's never HOW is poro....
We already know.


DocileOrangeCup posted...
It's never HOW is poro....
that cuts deep
I'm gonna cry when CE dies. Goddamn I never thought I'd get attached to the board within a few years timespan. I've been using it like a personal diary at times sorry if that has annoyed anyone though ofc they won't know who posted this hah. I've seriously been able to uncover the root cause of some mental health related stuff by typing out certain events in my life on CE and reflecting on them. I'm not being delusional. I swear to god!!!!.
I used ce like a diary too, and despite all the pushback I got for it at the time, it was honestly really therapeutic. I posted a lot about my shitty homelife, feeling trapped and too anxious for anything.
It was someone on ce that gave me the idea to get a GED and move out, instead of suffering in that household for the next few years while I struggled to finish HS. And getting my GED and graduating early was literally the best decision I have ever made. That seriously catapulted me out of that terrible home, and into me being self sufficient. It also taught me that maybe I CAN do shit on my own.

That was a lot. Moral of the story is that ce is a fantastic place for so many of us. And it's really sad to see it shut down early like this.

im a pretty godawful person and have been for the majority of my time on CE
butt y

Any exercise or anything really that has a European country in it's name is very intimidating. Would these be hard for someone who doesn't do daily exercises?! HELP
Yesm but guess what? You can do hard things.

Is it bad that my best friend is female and Im a male?
why would that be bad
I'm crushing on a certain CEgal. >_>
Oh my~
I have a crush on Gladius
She's a 10/10 on every metric except the bad ones

I enjoy witnessing women piss their pants.
Yeah that's uh.. hmm..
I'm happy for you or I'm sorry sorry that happened to you
I've been cheating on my wife for the last four years. I feel awful but I think I have a sex addiction
Clearly you dont feel that awful because youre still doing it. Whats the point staying in a marriage where you feel like you need others to be fulfilled?

I'm sad that i haven't made more friends on here. Been coming here for years, but depression and anxiety kept me from posting. Now I'm more willing to post just as Fandom starts to kill the site. There's lots of cool people here.
I think theres still time to make friends, if you want them. Tbh its never been easier as the nee discords are full of people getting to know each other.
Ce has a good year left in it I think
I confess that I am doing the bare buttcheek minimum needed to pass this CS class with a B

and that someone needs to help me understand arrays in java cause I feel dumb as BRICKS
Imma get real wasted and come back in a half hour

ya'll better have some good shit for me when I come back
Have you played any VIDEO GAMES lately? Have you ever accidentally an entire cake? Did you ever eat a fruit and it was really good but next time you ate that fruit it wasn't as good and it left you bewildered? Can you lick your elbow with your tongue on your elbow?
oh god oh god that's a lotta text buddy
YESM i am currently obsessed with Zelda totk
NO how the fuck do you accidently eat an entire cake??
YES i ate tart blueberries, thought they were awesome and later tried ripe ones and were beYOND disappointed they were tastless
NO i cannot lick my elbow but I can lick my nipples so that's an achievement too I think

I only remember the taste of human milk because I used to take sips out of my younger brother's bottle. I was a young child and didnt know better. This is why in the past Id write on CE that I 0refer human milk over animal milk. Also im lactose intolerant.
what makes it better, and have you found a new source??
human boobie milk does sound interesting

I am a left wing liberal and consider myself progressive. I've voted for Biden and will vote for him again to do my part fighting against Trump, fully support abortion, women's rights, freedom, and the empowerment movement, LGBT rights and representation, black empowerment, pro-Palestine and pro-ceasefire, freedom of religion and fighting the Christian deathgrip on America, UBI and healthcare for all, free college education for all, and much more. However, despite that, I am transphobic. I simply have not been able to come around. When it comes to transwomen, [redacted sentences explaining stance]. The thing is though, there is no way to express my feelings about this anywhere. No one would ever accept it and no one would ever actually hear me. In a way, I feel silenced. I'm not conservative, I don't want to go anywhere near those who want nothing more than to take my abortion rights away or repeal the 19th amendment. But the people I am closest to and allied with all over social media would drop me and hate me forever if I ever opened up about these feelings. There would be no talking about it, only exile. Then I'd have no one. I guess I really pulled this one from the deep inside lol. If this is against the TOS and you can't post it then I understand. But at least one person on this earth knows. Sorry you had to read this if it upset you.
Hmm. I think the reason it's treated differently that other liberal issues it because transphobia has real and deadly effects on trans people just trying to live their lives. It's one thing to have your own opinion about it, but pushing for censorship of trans voices and people is a deadly game. 99.9% of trans people are not speaking on behalf of cis people. Generally they really want to mind their own business and for others to mind theirs lol. Being progressive imo means that you are looking for progress in today's society, and the erasure of trans people is going backwards, not forwards.
Im sorry you feel censored, but im more sorry that trans people are victimized.

I basically expect to find my account Suspended every time I load a new page.
lmfao that's meee in this topic
Dtoast pls dont take my account
im just a harpie!!

I want to be strong. I want to be feared. I want to be powerful. Do you think after everything, however, Ruby Rose would still be my friend? I've... never had one. She can destroy me with one look from her Silver Eyes. But she is just so incredibly bold with her plans and over and over she just keeps going and going. She is annoying and frustrating but it's also a bit -- inspiring? Sometimes I wonder if me and her are cut from the same cloth, of a same kind. Perhaps in another reality, we could had been friends.
you gotta find her house address and tell her this with a megaphone outside her window
she will love that, cause it proves you're strong
all this fuss over israel and palestine and the american far right should realistically open people's eyes that all religion is the problem. all religion, religious individuals, and religious institutions have no place

I love furry women. And don't been just like the lewd stuff like in general.
butt y
There was a typo on the furry, confession. With something like that it could give away the poster
I do not have enough braincells to figure that out. unless someone introduces themselves i am so goddamn clueless

maybe someone can help me play detective in topic hmmm??

I don't know how I am going to feel when CE finally gets the axe. I don't know if I'm going to stick around on other boards here. On the one hand, I have spent more than 20 years on this site, much of that on CE, and I have some fond memories of this board and its basically been a daily part of my routine that I'm not sure I'd know what do without. But on the other hand, I have utterly wasted so much fucking time posting on this board, and I sometimes think that I might be much better off in life if I had the willpower to just fucking leave and do stuff that is actually productive instead. I don't know why I spend so much time here. Sometimes I just go to my AMP and sort by Last Post and browse from there, or see no new posts, and then go to the board and scroll up and down and see nothing that interests me, then back to my AMP, then back to the board, and over and over. I am addicted. i should do what you are supposed to do with any addiction that is controlling more of your life than you would want it to, and try and overcome it. But no, what do I do instead? Even in the face of the impending demise of this board? I join two Discord servers and another message board site so now I have FOUR places to go to online to waste time at during my day. I don't know what is wrong with me.
getting rid of one addiction wont stop you from being an addict. u gotta find it within yourself to fix your social media addiction

i gave up long ago tbh now I embrace it
Harpie posted...
NO i cannot lick my elbow but I can lick my [redacted] so that's an achievement too I think
Harpie trying to get me modded for horny posting
twylite sprinkle
deoxxys posted...
Harpie trying to get me modded for horny posting
it's not horny its just facts
are you saying that its cause I'm not a man?? smh women's nipples are NOT inherently horny or sexy
gamefaqs is a perv confirmed if they mod me
Harpie is however inherently sexy and that's a fact
twylite sprinkle
deoxxys posted...
Harpie is however inherently sexy and that's a fact
oh lawdy here we go

Still wanna [redacted] a dog [REDACTED]
you wanna WHAT???

I have information that may lead to DToast's arrest. If I [redacted], you know what really happened.
my body's ready for the leak, i believe in u soldier

I farted lol
dayum I was wondering WHO was stinkin up the place
go shit in the toilet man
pls dont let in marinate in your butt anymore, it ain't good for any of our noses

Excuse me, miss. CE is always capitalized.
excuse me, but actuallyy
*pushes up glasses*
same difference
i confess that i am about to absolutely decimate this pint of halo top ice cream
Harpie posted...
i confess that i am about to absolutely decimate this pint of halo top ice cream
What flavor I like the orange one
twylite sprinkle
deoxxys posted...
What flavor I like the orange one
The mint one. Maybe I should try the orange one, i havent tried too many halo top flavors tbh cause they tend to be bad more often than good >.>
i confess that being single has led me closer and closer to hornyposting
i wont do it but
i am this close
i am also this .......................... drunkso Im not sure which is more powerful
I like pineapple on pizza
this gave me the legitimate heebie jeebies
I don't get the idea of people thinking their 'online persona' is separate from their 'real life self'. Your post came from you regardless if you're acting or not, so in every meaningful way that is the 'real' you.
I agree
if anything your online persona is a truer, less filtered self, as you tend to say things you may feel you couldn't in your "real life."

then again I would NOT want peeps in my "real life" to read all the shit I've been posting here lmao

This dude follows me around and won't leave me alone. halp
tell him to stop cause he's being a meanie
Harpie posted...
The mint one. Maybe I should try the orange one, i havent tried too many halo top flavors tbh cause they tend to be bad more often than good >.>
Yeah there's some pretty bad ones. That's why I'm stuck with the orange one because I found when I liked. But that's the cost of picking out low calorie ice cream. The only other one I remember enjoying is salted caramel?
twylite sprinkle
Harpie posted...
i confess that being single has led me closer and closer to hornyposting
i wont do it but
i am this close
i am also this .......................... drunkso Im not sure which is more powerful
*Internal screaming*

*Bites tongue*
twylite sprinkle
Harpie posted...
I'm gonna cry when CE dies. Goddamn I never thought I'd get attached to the board within a few years timespan. I've been using it like a personal diary at times sorry if that has annoyed anyone though ofc they won't know who posted this hah. I've seriously been able to uncover the root cause of some mental health related stuff by typing out certain events in my life on CE and reflecting on them. I'm not being delusional. I swear to god!!!!.
deoxxys posted...
Yeah there's some pretty bad ones. That's why I'm stuck with the orange one because I found when I liked. But that's the cost of picking out low calorie ice cream. The only other one I remember enjoying is salted caramel?
The chocolate one's ok but only if you have been sugar free for atleast a week. If you try it otherwise it is actually disgusting. I will give orange and salted caramel a go next week, u better not disappoint

I have a crush on SBAllen
it's okay i used to have a crush on sballen too. cute AND supreme leader of gamefaqs?? swoon~~
im pretty sure i posted several photoshopped pics of me and sballen together like we were dating back in the day lmao. he said he was afraid of me
i think that he was playing hard to get but

[redacted] what's your current band and cup size
uhh i am a 30D I think

which okay yes D cup I KNOW sounds like a lot, but cup sizes are NOT static. Cup sizes, if you don't know, are proportional to the band size. for example a 38D bra size has wayyyy bigger boobs than me, despite the same letter, because their band size is larger.

tldr: if someone looked at me without knowing how bra sizes work, they'd say I'm a B cup

respect women
it's in the gamefaqs TOS now bby
ReSpEcT wOmEn

Mayo is nasty
you're so wrong for this
mayo is the BEST condiment in existence
Lord have mercy
twylite sprinkle
Horny post up in my DMs all you like
ce pls

this is google sheets youAINT GOT NO DMS
i confess that i am 15 minutes from falling asleep

thank goodness this sofa is a 8/10
Get a mattress already Harpie
NNID: VoudouPriest, PSN: Superhero_Ronius
Oh shit I'm also playing totk again after not playing for a while. It's so FUN I love how you can [REDACTED] and they gave Link [REDACTED] bones. Heh I never said "eat".... Projecting much?? Also I'm similar with the bluebebbies, I either have them and they taste like nothing or I'm too pussy to eat them because sour. Also licking your [REDACTED] is OK but what about [REDACTED] your [REDACTED] oh yeah I'm also responding from the previous confession in which I say similar things. You are DRUNK so I don't want to startle u.
i too like to lick my redacted blueberries in totk. also because i am DRUNK i CANNOT be startled so come at me fam

and just to clear to record I did NOT redact any part of this confession

who needs to be a freak in the bed sheets when you can be a freak in the google sheets
( )
marvel_fan333 posted...
Get a mattress already Harpie
my bank account says no thanks
its bkdy will be ready next month.. hopefully

I do got DMs but I see how it be, night night, enjoy sleep. Maybe a bed would be better then a sofa
i wonder if my ex deleted all my pics like i asked
if ur ex gf asked you to delete all her saucy pics would you??

sofa isnt bad but I have no bed
Harpie posted...
Oh fuck I love burger King day
Admittedly I have a quite a few saucy ex pics, most of them only said no one else can ever see them except you which I upheld. Only one asked me to delete which I did but it would be awfully hard to if your ex was harpie.
twylite sprinkle
[teep is] an evil genius who will one day kill us all - Choco
teep is a God damn genius - Zodd
Post #44 was unavailable or deleted.
What do you call a crocodilian who's banned from CE? ...I dunno, I just wanted to do the gator puns again but can't think of any.
uhh what do you call a crocodilian who's banned from Current Events?? An "out-of-the-loop-dile"!

I had to reload the page thrice to get this form to work on mobile >:/ anyway, I've been thinking of making online dating profiles, but I've struggled with self-esteem issues in the past and I don't think I'd be able to deal with the inherent male dating app experience
idk seems like a personal problem to me

If you don't have good self-esteem, you gotta try meeting women in other ways first imo. Go to an event and start chatting people up idk

I'm on a hunger strike until CE reopens
It was nice knowing you

Fandom taking over gfaqs was the best thing to ever happen. I nut myself and smirk everytime a shitposter or well liked user gets banned and they cant return to CE anymore. Why? I dont know. I just enjoy the drama. Ive been on this site/board for almost two decades - I dont even dislike anyone, but Im glad to see them and this board go. *Munches on popcorn*
Do you feel cool when you say that? You are not the badass you think you are, you're here with the rest of us lmao

your secret is exposed. flee the country immediately
You see, I would but I bought some salmon I need to cook tonight. Salmon is really only good for a day or two fresh. And after that I have a dentist appointment scheduled
i'll get back with u on that

I am banned from CE and I must shitpost
Such is the law of the universe it seems

i think this board deserves its fate

I know the secret of a user here that would destroy them if made public. I don't like them, but I don't hate them enough to bring it out, here or to their loved ones. Can't even hint at what it is without making it obvious. But if they ever cross the line in some way, I have that ammo ready, and it gets me hard thinking about the misery.

this pic looks fucked for some reason but I'm leaving it as god intended it to be
Harpie posted...
this pic looks fucked for some reason but I'm leaving it as god intended it to be
Can't direct upload gifs, it confuses the site.
I've become increasingly irritable the last few years, mainly because of my parents. My dad needed 5k about 3 years, and I decided to help, but it became constant thing where he took money out of my bank account (he had access because he set it up). I initially wasn't expecting repayment but he eventually took 30-40k before I cut him off completely. Mom is becoming a increasingly annoying know-it-all racist transphobe who feels the need to lecture me on every little thing. Shit is mad annoying and I kinda avoid discussing things with her because it quickly turns into a 30 min lecture about minor things and I'm so close to telling her off. BlogFaqs Part 1
Would it make sense at this point to purposefully limit your exposure to them? While they are your parents, it's clearly becoming a drain on you. Cutting contact with my dad helped a lot with my own mental health tbh

today I walked up and takes a shit
with or without peeing??
I've yet to meet someone who can simply shit

I logged into my ex's email and social media accounts a few years after we broke up. We shared our passwords while dating and they never changed them. I was extremely obsessed with them and wanted to know if they were better off without me. This experience made me realize that they truly didnt need me and I felt a mixture of relief and sadness tbh. I never did this again and Im pretty sure they got notified of the breach anyways so I wouldnt be surprised if they are now scared of me. Ive only had short-lived relationships since we broke off all those years ago and Im the main culprit of each break-up. I am extremely toxic once the early infatuation wears off but I cant help it. At the very least Ive never hurt anyone physically just emotionally. I do need to seek out therapy.
Therapy would be beneficial yes lol. Most places will allow low-income payments plans of like $20 a visit, that's what I did for a while anyways. Logging into an ex's account years after a break up is not normal or healthy. At least you found some sort of closure.

There's a guy I "dated" for like 3 weeks 7 years ago. He still messages me every 6 months or so saying how sorry he is and how he should have loved me more
I wish I could tell him it ain't that deep lol
Harpie, forgive me for I have sinned.
I require sufficient payment first
whatchu got

I like Crimsoness' boobs
Me and u both buddy
I'm jealous of your ability to overcome adversity. You are inspirational. Like damn I feel like such a child compared to you despite probably being a few years older. Ughh I wish I was more willing to take risks to improve my life. Well I guess I'll take the plunge and reintegrate to society very soon. like next month or at the very least before the year ends.
I don't think I have done anything worth being inspirational, but thank you. I have only gotten through difficult situations because there was no other option. In a way, having housing insecurity was beneficial as it really lit the fire under my ass lol.

How about instead of taking a bunch of risks, you just take one? What's one thing you can do to help in your situation?
For me, that was getting a GED instead of a diploma; doing that boosted my self confidence in incredible ways. I credit the GED to allowing me the self assurance that I can do things on my own for the first time.
u can do it!!!

what do you consider as sufficient payment?
You gotta make the first offer, and I'll counteroffer from there. What do you have??

Trader Joe's is pretty cool but I feel like going there betrays my ghetto heritage.
Listen, is it really betraying your ghetto heritage to SAVE money?? Trader Joes is a steal, all ur friends will be jealous of your cowboy caviar salsa
Current Events » CE Confessionary - Endgame
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