CE Confessionary - Endgame

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teep_ posted...
Sent the text. Just said "some stuff came up". That was nerve-wracking lol
You're basically Superman now

HighSeraph posted...
What're me and Harpie then?
We're degenerates, clearly, but I take that as a badge of honor

SoIidLegacy posted...
I don't have anything in particular to confess that I wouldn't want to admit otherwise here, but I just wanted you (Harpie) to know that I really appreciate and respect what you're doing here. Sometimes people just need to get something personal off their chest, without it getting back to them (even if most of us are already practically anonymous here).
I often read these topics just because I find them interesting, without really wondering "Hmmm, I wonder who wrote this" and it's good to see that some people actually use it to say something that has been bottling up.

So thank you for making these topics.
Well, thank you for the genuine and sweet compliment! Confessionary started out as a silly idea, but it morphed into something bigger for a lot of people and it makes me so happy. It isn't perfect but it's fun and stupid and sometimes wholesome.
Getting to read through all the perspectives and experiences has also been eye-opening to me, and I think it has made me a more empathetic person. So thank YOU and everyone else here for contributing to Confessionary.