CE Confessionary - Endgame

Current Events

I feel so worthless both online and in real life. From like mid 2022 to mid 2023 I stopped posting on gamefaqs completely (still lurked tho) because I didnt think anyone gave a damn about me. That whole year I dont think I saw a single post about me or received a single PM from anyone wondering if I was okay, which just kinda confirmed my suspicion. And Id like to think I was a fairly active member of CE. I tried to integrate myself back in when I started posting again in 2023, but that feeling never really went away. And now Im thinking about just stopping again cause I still feel worthless and like no one gives a crap about me. (Yeah Im the same confession as the other friend one from a little earlier).
You're not alone in that, at least. I imagine that the many of the peeps on this board have had similar experiences. Forums like this are finicky in that you can be so social with others while still feeling more alone than ever

Person who posted the cleanup confession here. Yeah, I think it has helped me. My steam, discord, and battle net accounts are significantly less bloated and filled with people I never chat with. Also I dont get dumb notifications anymore telling me said people who I never speak or game with are playing a game or doing something.
It's for the better tbh. My pms and discord friend list are farrr larger than I actually need/interact with. But I have attachment issues so idk if I'd ever truly delete anyone >.>

i know who the person who confessed they have literally no friends is. id be willing to bet $100 on it im so confident but im not sure how badly name dropping him would be received
Eh, probably not. I doubt you know. I think that the amount of lonely people on this board is higher than you think

I wish my partner was cheating on me so I would have an excuse to leave. Partner has helped keep me extremely unhappy for years. I have no one I can talk to about my feelings and can't safely leave currently. Praying every night that I find an out.
You can leave them at any time, for any reason. I'm sorry you feel so trapped that you wish that your partner cheated. You have options, one way or another

My worst sin is [redacted] my 1st girlfriend a few times. Well at least I consider it [redacted]. We were sexually active when I was ages 14-16; she was a year older than me . There were a few instances where she didn't want it and just gave in because I emotionally manipulated her after she'd say NO initially. The absolute worst thing I did was when I slipped it in while we were cuddling the day before she moved (she had flashed me previously for some context but she never said she wanted sex). She did not look comfortable with this so I stopped and acted like nothing happened. Didn't realize I was a creep [redacted] until years later. It took the popularity of the MeTOO movement for me to start reflecting. I also read a book that had a [redacted] teenage character (occured in 1 chapter) and ngl he reminded me of myself at that age. I do regret my past actions but I feel there is no real forgiveness for me. I would never bring this up to anyone in real life. I'm not sure how my 1st gf feels but probably best I never contact her again. This stuff happened about 15 years ago for context.
Damn this is definitely a confession >.>

I made plans with work friends on Saturday. It's now Friday and I don't feel like taking part. Partially because I'm out almost every weekend this month and would appreciate one day to decompress at home. What do??
Text: Hey guys! So I know that we made plans for Saturday but I'm honestly feeling pretty drained and need tomorrow to myself take it easy. If ya'll wanna do this next weekend or some other time though, I'd love to join!
Or something to that effect. They probably wont be assholes about it; you'd be surprised how accepting peeps are about that stuff