CE Confessionary - Endgame

Current Events

The dating scene after college is rough. Online dating feels awful and in person events seems rare these days. Can't remember the last time I met someone new. Makes me feel like I'm the problem in trying to find someone though I know that's not true.
Ive heard this a lot. Theres really nowhere else that has the sheer number of likeminded people ur age that are ready to fuck than on a college campus
Just last week I was approached by a guy on campus. He was CUTE. He asked me a few questions, I flirted a bit, then he said he was only talking to me because of a sociology class and LEFT
Maybe its not all cracked up to be over here..

"lmao to be honest I'm really not sure why some people thirst over me. My body is nothing special and for some reason ce wants to see my boobs despite 1) being small and 2) having scars from a breast reduction.. I don't get it" ------ 1) your height is irrelevant to whether you're attractive or not, same goes for breast size. 2) people who aren't assholes aren't gonna care about scars. own that shit. it's a story to tell and it's not something to be ashamed of. be proud that you have something unique about you
This is very sweet, 10/10 advice so thank you. Imma be my boobie scarred, womanlet, chaotic self and NO ONE will stop me

I recently acquired an gaming PC and started experimenting with mods. Skyrim in particular. Lots of cool mods. I found this one a while back that turns all the crabs into Zoidbergs. That was pretty awesome. But the one mod I'm looking for but can't find, I want a mod that lets me [Redacted] a dog in [Redacted].
Im gonna get nam flashbacks everytime someone posts a confession over 3 sentences now- ARE YOU HAPPY?? IS THIS WHAT WINNING IS SUPPOSED TO FEEL LIKE???

I must confess that I secretly want to play Mario Party with some friends just to see how it causes them to react. I want to watch the grudges form and hear the expletive laden rants directed toward each other that will inevitably result from playing. Does that desire to sow chaos make me evil? If not, what would take me that final step? If so, is there anything I could do to be more evil somehow in this scenario?
It does make you evil- I would know because I organize Mario Party rooms just to sow chaos and deceit. Maybe a way to become more evil is to made side deals with literally everyone, then backstab them all in the end
God I needa get some Mario Party going again